Welcome To

Sajid Abdullah World!

Build Climber and Train Stopper

Hi, I am Sajid. I have currently enrolled in Programming Hero's Complete Webdevelopment Course Batch-6.Before joining this course I had some Idea about HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Now I completely focused in learning and mastering Web Development


Dream Big

Become a Web Developer

I already learned the basic of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Now I can build any static website. I can even teach my freinds and family to make a simple web page. My goal is to do 5 projects and move on to fdifferent frame-works



Full Stack Web Developer

2022-Present | Pro Level Developer

I am now very comfartable in HTML, CSS and Javascript. I know everything to make a website function, effiecient. I just didn't stop with HTML, CSS and Javascript. I went beyond with a popular Javascript framework React JS. I even know to host your website and some security features. I will give you 100% web sollution

Baby Web Developer

2022-2024 | Hero Learner Developer

They didn't offer me a job. I presented myself in a way that they couldn'y resist giving me a job. I made their website with som new changes and presented to them. They loved it at first glance. It was fun and exciting working at Programming Hero